On a remote top end cattle station, cattle grazing and trophy hunting are successfully running side-by-side.

Story By Dick Eussen

Dusk settles quickly over the land as the tropical night closes in on Wongalara Station, in the Northern Territory’s Top End. Looking north, towards Arnhem Land, lightning flickers in the high cumulous clouds of an evening storm. The build-up of the wet season has commenced, though the wet proper is still a long way off. “You better go and look for him, Jason,” says Sandy Leggett to her brother, Jason Smith.
“He should be back by now.” Sandy is concerned about her husband, Dave, who left the homestead at sunrise to finish grading the 53-kilometre-long access road that one American visitor referred to as “the longest driveway in the world”.
Two hours later Jason returns with a dust-grimed Dave. “Another staked tyre,” he explains, as he gratefully accepts a cold beer. “You should have brought an esky, Jason.”

This story excerpt is from Issue #45

Outback Magazine: Feb/Mar 2006