The family-owned and run Hydrosmart is on a mission to ‘turn bad water good’.

Story Kate Newsome  Photo Hydrosmart 

"Particle physics trickery.” That’s how Hydrosmart chief executive officer and founder Paul Pearce describes his company’s technology. With water scarcity and quality among the most pressing issues facing Australians, this business is on the up and up.

Paul’s been in the water treatment game for more than 25 years, making ripples with a radical chemical- and filter-free water-conditioning system that he claims is a game changer; not only clearing pipes and water systems, but improving productivity down the line. “It’s a privilege to work with making miracles happen for people who really don’t know that they can solve these problems,” Paul says.

The noise in the Adelaide headquarters swells behind Paul as a delivery is sent off. He’d just picked up the keys for the place next door to extend Hydrosmart’s floorspace by another 90sq m.

The Hydrosmart team is quick to admit the tech behind the business is only just moving from the fringes of science to the mainstream. Until recently it was shrouded in secrecy and commonly described as pseudoscience. Each Hydrosmart device – starting from $2500 – emits electromagnetic pulses to tease apart compounds, breaking down minerals and calcium scale.

This story excerpt is from Issue #155

Outback Magazine: June/July 2024